Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Another NYC Concert
On Friday night Michelle and I hit the concert circuit again. We again had tickets to see Jose Gonzalez (Hey we like Jose, but we didn’t mean to see him live 2 out of 3 nights…but he did sound amazing Friday night at the Bowery Ballroom). Headlining Friday night was a band named The Books. They consist of two guys, a guitar, a cello, a whole bunch of electronic samples, a projector and a screen behind them. They ran the film clips they edited for each song while they played the songs live. The music is a mix clips of people talking, random abstract sounds and beautiful music. It’s a sound collage like nothing that I’ve ever heard before. Michelle and I would definitely go see them again. And as a matter of fact, we may when we are in Portland. They are playing at the Doug Fir on Thursday, April 20th. Tickets are only $12. We recommend you pick-up a couple tickets for yourself and friends, if the show isn’t already sold out. I’ve put some links to mp3’s of a few of The Books’ songs below. Take a listen and enjoy.
There is No Other
Be Good to Them Always
It Never Changes to Stop
Thursday, March 23, 2006
A New York Experience
Here are a couple links to some songs. The first two are live recordings. Enjoy the music. Michelle and I did.
Live recording of Heartbeats
Live recording of Hand on Your Heart
Sunday, March 12, 2006
We'll Be Home for a Week in April
No More Weddings this Year... Please
I'm excited for my friends. Happy that love is the air. Thumbs-up. Smiles all around. Hey, join the club. Marriage is a wonderful institution. But, I have one request and I realize it's a selfish request. Please get engaged, tell the world, enjoy the betrothed bliss, but set the date for 2007 or 2008 or.... because I only have so much vacation. I want to make it to everyone’s wedding, but I just don't have enough time-off. And Ryan and Christen just took the last spot in 2006. Congrats to them.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
More Perma-dating
More wedding bells for us. Mindy and Erik are tying the knot, getting hitched, hooking up for good, perma-dating, signing the contract and, apparently, putting up a damn nice wedding website. We can’t wait for the big day and the big party. We’ll be traveling to P-town April 14th and leaving the 23rd. In between, we’ll be soaking up all that Oregon has to offer. Let's celebrate Mindy and Erik’s union in sunny rainy sunny rainy sunny rainy sunny Oregon. See you there. Be sure to wear waterproof sunscreen.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
The Happy Couple and Their Dog
My brother is getting married. No, not Colin. I hope not Colin. Eli (or Elijah as he likes to be called in his mature age) is getting married and he’s put up a website. It’s got all of the pertinent info. Where it’s going down, places to stay, how Camille and Elijah met and so on. It also has a few pictures. It’s a nice little site and I think everyone should check it out. I also think that Elijah and Camille should make their dog look a little more badass (below is the actual picture that's on the site). Maybe give him a 40oz or an eye patch or a Def Leppard haircut.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Evan and Suzy Live in the Tundra
Originally uploaded by Polish Carpetlayer.
So we finally made the journey north, into the frozen tundra that is upper New York state. We stayed with Suzy and Evan in Syracuse. It snowed, we plowed through it and ended up at there house around 12:30 am Friday night/Saturday morning. Suzy was out and Evan was just chill'in. It was great to see them both. Suzy soon woke up and we talked until about 2:30 in the morning. Ouch. My system can't take that anymore.
Next morning we got up, had breakfast and then went to Ithaca. Cornell University is there, so it's kinda permeated with Ivy Leagueness (I just made that word up). I was told that the town is often compared to Eugene and I'd have to agree. It's got that hippie/smart/outdoorsy/I just smoked a brick of weed thing going for it.
We enventually left town and found ourselves checking out some of the many waterfall filled canyons. Beautiful. For a moment I thought I was in the Columbia George... for a moment. Then we headed out to do some wine tasting.
Ithica is NY's wine country. After some tasting, I can again say, Ithaca is NY's wine country. It is not, however, America's wine country. The wine was a fun experience. The wineries were nice and the company was superb.
We finished our trip by eating at the Moosewood Cafe of the famed vegitarian Moosewood cookbook. The food was... decent. But we left with our tummies full. That's what matters.
Next day we went cross country skiing with Suzy and Evan. My bruised ass tells me that I need a little practice. I fell down more in that one day than I have downhill skiing all year long. And then we meandered home.
It was a nice weekend. I can't wait to do it again.