We finally made it to Portland - Maine!!!
The next stop on our road trip was Portland, Maine. Of course we had to do it, and it turns out that we're not alone; the front desk of the cute little Inn we stayed at mentioned that they frequently have visitors from Portland, Oregon.
It was the four the of July, honestly, the holiday I dislike the most. (I sound like the Grinch, but it's the noise and the trash and the polluted air that I dislike the least.) But quaint little Portland was alive with excitement of a holiday, waving their sparklers in anticipation for the fireworks show.
Hearing that Portland had an abundance of microbrews, we stopped in at one for brew and a snack. We gnoshed on muscles and bread and sipped on their red while we contemplated whether or not to take part in the patriotic festivities and how we would fit in a lobster dinner.
We headed toward the bay to check out the excitement - over looking Casco Bay, on a large patch of grass sat hundreds of Portlanders. The view reminded us of the San Juans in Washington. Above, a gray sky threatened of rain.
After hanging out for a bit and still an hour till blast off, we decided to find lobster, then return to the show if after we felt so inclined. After ordering another local pint we asked of the Market price today for lobster (they had about four different lobster items on their menu, as is typical of tourist, Maine.)
It began to rain.
Outside the window, soaked firework watchers dashed for cover. We finished the evening , our pints, salad and clam chowder and headed back to the Inn.
Check out
the rest of the pictures here.