Luis and Lauren Fly
Originally uploaded by Polish Carpetlayer.
This is what happens when you go to Disneyland with your cousin. You have fun. Lots and lots of fun.
This is what happens when you go to Disneyland with your cousin. You have fun. Lots and lots of fun.
In search of fall. The season. I miss it. And so Michelle and I went out to Napa on a quest to find fall in all of its beautiful glory. We found it on a Sunday bike ride in wine country, along with a bottle of Cabernet and a bottle of Grenache and a Wine Club membership at Elizabeth Spencer. Success. How tasty.
This is America. Twenty friends in a small room, all stakeholders, all emotionally involved, all helping change the world. CNN calls Pennsylvania for Obama. This is America. We have votes. We have dreams. We have a vested interest. We have our future children to think about. CNN calls New York for Obama. And we want the world to know, we’re the heart of this country. The powerful spirit of the what’s to come. Healthy and beating stronger than ever. We’re speaking up. We’re telling the world to forget the perceptions, because we’re shaping a new reality. I wonder what dungeon or drink or substance or channel Bill O’Rielly is drowning in tonight? This is the new America. Which is built on the old America. The bill of rights. The constitution. The fact, that we again hold these truths to be self evident, that all men and woman are created equal. The polls are closing in 15 states in 1 minute. In this America everything and anything is possible, even the American dream. For a while it looked like that dream was dying a quiet and spectacular death. Just ask the rest of the world. CNN calls Ohio for Obama. Let’s assume that McCain wins every single state left except Indiana, Washington, Oregon, and California. He still won’t have enough Electoral College votes to win. I just can’t imagine a scenario where McCain wins enough of the remaining four states to take the presidency. So we watch and hope and smile and laugh and celebrate and listen as our voices roar through our small living room and around the entire world. CNN calls the 44 presidential race for Barack Obama. This is our America. Champagne for everyone. Tonight, it feels amazing to be an American.
The country is on the road to recovery now that Obama is our President Elect. Thank goodness it is because on October 24 my nephew entered this world and made me an aunt and Caspian an uncle for the first time. I am hopeful that he will grow up in a world where people are free to say and do what they believe is right; where every person is seen as an individual and not judged by the color of his or her skin; where education is of utmost priority and valued as the way out of poverty and crime; where the environment is respected and we see ourselves as keepers of the planet, not hunters.
Carson Daniel, I will do everything I can to make sure you have a supportive, healthy and respectful world to live in. I also promise to be the best aunt that ever lived. I love you. Thank you Kristen and Matt for giving us all this gift. You are going to be amazing parents. Seeing Carson being born was one of the most amazing things I have ever seen in my life. I have never witnessed greater love than the love Kristen had immediately for the child that suddenly laid before her, turning his gaze toward her face in recognition of his mother's voice.
I can't wait until he's old enough to play with. In the meantime, I hope to visit often and help my sister and her husband in whatever way I can.
Joy to the world for Barack Obama and Carson Daniel!
We went to the Bridge School Benefit concert to see Neil Young, Death Cab for Cutie, The Smashing Pumpkins, Wilco, and a whole host of artist. Little did we realize a Josh Grobin concert would break out.
That’s a video of him at the show singing Disarm with Smashing Pumpkins. Feel our pain.
We live close to the Grand Lake Theater, an old, beautiful, large movie house. It has a huge sign on the 3 or 4 story roof that they only turn on during the weekend. Below it is a massive marquee that juts out towards the street and under that marquee are thousands of lights. Here they are. The colors melt into each other.
There are just over 300 million people in the USA and not all of them are of voting age. There are over 6.5 billion people on this earth and every single one of them will be impacted by the outcome of this coming election. That means, you, one of the few who is lucky enough to be able to vote in America, have a lot of responsibility. The world is counting on you. So vote. It matters.
I’m as excited about this election as anyone. And I like my candidate. But this is ridiculous. The man has got my vote. Hey, I’m even imbuing him with a lot hopes and dreams I have for this country (and the world). However, I am not viewing him as a saint or a deity or religious icon or the next Che or Mao for that matter. Change and revolution doesn't happen on a poster, it happens in a people.
Isn’t it this the kind of worship that got us into the mess we’re in today (See George Bush)? Obama may be a great public servant (let’s hope so), but he’s no Jesus or Muhammad or Joseph Smith or any of those guys, and that is best for all. Stop the hero worship. The man is a man; imperfect just like you and I. We already have something to believe in and it's not just another dogma. Believe in the true promise of America. It’s got a lot to offer.
Obama isn't an icon or a catchphrase or a poster or a really, really cool t-shirt. He's got to be much more than that. He's got to be a leader. The world will be better for it.
I got a new camera, which makes me happy. It also makes me really, really, fast. Like hummingbird 1/1600 of a second fast.
If you look hard enough and far enough you’ll see the Bay in the distance. And just on the other side of the Bay is the Golden Gate Bridge. This though, is the San Francisco/Oakland that doesn’t make it into the tourist books. But it’s important, maybe more important in these times than the Golden Gate or the Transamerica building. It’s the kind of infrastructure that Sarah Palin keeps talking about. It’s the real terrorist in Iraq. And the source of power that enriches Saudi Arabi and Iran and Russia. In some ways, it’s beautiful precisely because it’s not hidden. We need to see what's driving the geo global and local politics of the day. So take a look at my neighbor. I woke up before sunrise to get a few shots of it. Even if you don’t see this in your city, it’s your neighbor too. It, unfortunately, is IT in this world right now. So let’s hope that we make change on Election Day and the politicians make a change after Election Day.
On a rainy day (it was probably rainy) so many years ago in Portland Oregon (well I’m not going to say it was that many years ago because people can be a bit touchy about things like age) Autumn was born. She grew up, moved away, went to college, got a job, met a boy, bought a couple houses, and the like (but not necessarily in that order). As the years went by she got to know a lot about a lot, but most importantly she got to know a lot about herself (what makes her tick, what kind of chocolate goes best with an Oregon Pinot, and other important stuff like that… and more). It was good. And it is good. Happy birthday Autumn. I propose a toast to you. Let’s have a little wine and some chocolate in your honor. Here's to the next 100 years (not that Autumn's even close to 100). Autumn, you rock.
Sometimes you start careening through life, thrown this way and that, and you forget to just stop. Breath. Take it all in and reorganize your priorities. It’s a beautiful world if you take a second to look at it the right way. And sometimes you need a vision or a road in the middle of the city that’s got a big pile of asphalt in it that makes you stop. Once you’ve do that, then you can go again.
They say it’s going to rain around here today and tomorrow. And they say that it’s going to snow up in Tahoe. Now that’s what I’m talking about. I haven’t seen rain since….since the last time I was in Portland. So let it rain. I’m looking forward to the sound, smell, and look of it. Damn right I’m an Oregonian living in California. I’m also looking forward to the thought of snow in the mountains. Sounds amazing. Let it snow. We need it and you know I want it. Care to toast the arrival of the fall season with me? Let’s do it with a cup of hot mint tea.
Eleven days after September 11, 2001 Michelle and I got married. Now those eleven days have turned into 7 years and in that time we’ve done a lot, moved a lot, and, most importantly, learned and loved a lot. Two weekends ago we celebrated by going to Carmel for three nights and four days. It’s a beautiful place, if not exceptionally overpriced. (Anyone looking for a $32 million dollar home? How about a $15 dollar grilled cheese sandwich? Guess which one of those things I purchased on our trip.) After we were done with our wine tasting, gourmet eating, bike riding, picture taking, hiking doing, yum drinking weekend, I had one thing to say; it’s damn awesome being married to your best friend.
Click here to see the pics.
It was a 104 degrees in Portland. It was 80 degrees in Tillamook. And it was maybe in the high 60's with fog on the beach. That's Oregon for you. Still, Gabe, Michelle, Sarah, and I had a good time throwing the Frisbee and enjoying the coast.
Click here to check out all of the pics.
That's a fried chicken sandwich. Smothered in coleslaw.
Me: "How much am I gonna have to work out after I leave this place?"
Girl behind the counter: "Honey, you gonna need two gym memberships."
It looks confused. It looks like cousins and aunts and uncles and friends and a dog named Bailey. It looks like a surprise. It looks like a perma-grin. It looks like a 20 pound cake with 5 sticks of butter in it. It looks like a few tears. It looks like a speech even when you’re speechless. It looks like champagne, toasts, flashing light bulbs and a whole lot of fun. It looks like balloons, flowers, and a big birthday banner. It looks like Jenny and Jeff planned one hell of a surprise party. That’s what 60 looks like. Times two. Happy sixtieth Pat and Nancy. Your kids got you. The got you so good.
Click here to see all 27 pictures.
It twists and turns around her arm. The colors melding into a kaleidoscopic cornucopia of rainbow colors that she can call her own. It’s beautiful. But I don’t want one, let alone two. Those tattoos are for life. Both arms work in a melodic way, dancing with the machine in front of her. Turning knobs, tamping, making the morning more alive for the line of customers. They wait for a taste of the black elixir. The smells are intoxicating. It’s the energy of the sunrise, infused into the air, with the promise of a sip soon to come. I wished I wanted a sip, but I don’t. I just enjoy the smell and the spectacle. This is my new office.
Didn’t see that coming. But then, again, I probably should of. When the head of HR for your office meets with the head of HR for the L.A. office meets with the head of the office all day and deep into the night you should probably figure that someone is meat. Or in this case, that someone happened to be almost half the office. We were all meat. So when I walked in on Thursday, after working until 8 the night before, it was slaughterhouse five. And it had just begun.
Now I’m no expert on how to blow away half your staff, but death by telephone seems to be the preferred method. Just sit there in your desk, working away, getting stuff done for the company, your client, and The Man, all the while telephone ringers are going off all around you like little hand grenades. Oh shit, Joane’s phone just rang. She’s been hit. I think she might die. Yep. She Dead.
It worked like this. You’d sit in your desk not knowing what the hell was going on, and if your phone rang and it was the bosses number, you dead. The thing is, they only did one person at a time, so the rest us got to watch as our fellow co-workers got the call, walked into the room, and came out with a manila envelope. Some people walked out indifferent, some people came out hysterically crying, and some people seemed happy. But everyone was relieved to finally know their fate. At least I know I was.
I was one of the last one’s called into the office. If it wasn’t for another co-worker, whose phone rang the death bell to an empty desk (he was in a meeting with a client) then I would’ve been the very last victim in our department. So I’d been waiting all morning to find out my fate. And so far, I had been spared. But I wasn’t necessarily thinking that that was a good thing.
When the company you’ve given a year of your life to impacts you so much that you start reevaluating your career and questioning if success is really the success you thought it was, you kind of hope your phone rings. You kind of want to jump out the emergency exit. Pull the chute. You kinda…and then my phone rang. Loud and clear. For all to hear.
You look into your co-workers eyes at that moment. They know, what you know. You is gone. And you can see it in their eyes. They’re blown away. Partly because (I’d like to think) they can’t believe that you’d get the call. Partly because they’re going to be left behind to clean up the mess without you. And partly because the whole damn thing is just fucked up. But everyone knows, if they’re honest, that my former place of employment is just that. Fucked up.
There’s an oddly comforting feeling when your number gets called. It’s kind of numbing and relieving at the same time. You don’t have to wonder anymore. Yep, Caspian, you’re walking the plank. The deed is done. And for some of us, it’s an action that we couldn’t have accomplished by ourselves. But it’s an action that needed to happen. I didn’t feel like the time had come for me to leave, but apparently I was mistaken. That mistake was rectified in one ring of a my office phone.
So here I was listening to the creative director say he was sorry. Listening to the HR guy from L.A. drone on about this and that. Whatever. Dude, I don’t work here anymore. And then he said something about sign this, promise not to sue us, and we’ll give you more money. Cool. I’m in.
I got to admit, I haven’t really felt like working a whole lot since that day. It’s been a little over a month and I’m starting to get back on the horse. But that horse has got to look a little different. It can’t be the same. It can’t look the same. Run the same. But most importantly. It can’t have the same heart. I can’t do that again.
Right before I left, I sent out an email. I’ve got a ton of friends who work or worked at this place and I want to keep in touch with them. My email went a little like this:
There will be beautiful new growth. Peace and love. I'm out. Keep in touch.
But it was nothing compared to what another copywriter wrote:
Never have so many done so little for so few.
Never indeed. I’m out.
Everybody’s got a new camera. Autumn, Eli(jah), Sara, Colby, Evan, Aaron, etc. We’re talking magapixels here. SLR’s with huge memory cards and beautiful glass. Everyone’s got a new camera’s. I think it’s time for me to get one too.
The nice thing about these new cameras is they produce new pictures. Stories without words. No need for a copywriter. So whether Aaron snaps off some shots in Reno, Evan shoots the new Portland tram, or Colby shares a visit to the Olympic National Park, I see what they see. And so do you. In 10 megapixels.
I have three exams tomorrow - what else am I going to do than BLOG!!!
While Cas was in Utah living it up I wanted you to know that I was home, at school, buried up to my ears in stuff to learn - who knew there was so much to know?
Made it through two milestones - First Semester and White Coat Ceremony. I'm now in the clinic once a week as a Student Physical Therapist - in addition to five days a week in class 8-5. Rockin'.
But Cas is a sport and I'm marching along.
On the second day we went to The Canyons, one of the Park City resorts. It’s huge, with over 3700 ski-able acres and 8 mountain peaks. The weather wasn’t drop powder of the sky, but we still had a good time. Gabe was sick so he missed out, but today I think we’ll go to The Canyons again. We were going to go to Snowbird but a forecast of 50mph wind gust changed our minds. The great thing thought is that it’s dumping snow on the mountain. Freshies all day long… I hope.
I turned 33 and jumped on a plane to Utah. Time for some snow sports. First stop, Solitude. Check out the shots.
The big waves at Mavericks (some of the biggest in the world) brought out a large crowd of people, including Michelle and I. Realistically, we could hardly see the surfers because the waves break about a quarter-mile offshore. But the organizers of the event had put up a large video screen on the beach that we could watch. It captured the surfers as they beautifully coexisted with these earthly beasts; surfer after surfer catching 30 to 40 foot waves and riding them as long as possible. Sometimes not riding them at all, but instantly getting bucked off in a cavalcade of human flesh, plastic surfboard, and thundering water. The temperature was in the mid-60’s and the early January blue skies reminded us of why so many people move to the San Francisco area. We banked the experience in our memories and enjoyed actually getting a chance to hang out together. Maybe we’ll learn to surf someday. But not these behemoth waves. At least not me. You never know about Michelle.
See the rest of the pictures here.This blog entry is a little late, but well worth it. We rang the 2008 new year in with a bunch of friends and a ton of central Oregon (dry) snow. Damn, it was fun. It's great to be on the west coast again (So this is what skiing and snowboarding is like). I think we could get used to this. Again.
Click here and view the whole set on Flickr, or just watch it in the slide show below.