Hi friends and family,
I know I've been horrible at correspondence this year. Please know it was for the best. I just survived (barely) the hardest year of my life. THE HARDEST YEAR OF MY LIFE.
There was the excitement of starting school, the joy of meeting new friends, the stress, the burn-out, the tears (lots and lots of them) the rage, the agony of defeat. I learned to pick myself up again, love myself, (love my husband like mad for being such an amazing friend, coach, counselor, husband!). I learned that I suck at exams, but I FINALLY found the right strategies that help me through it. I got over my test taking anxiety! When you take at least one exam or quiz a week for hmm... 47 weeks, it's inevitable.
I learned that I AM really good with people. I love math and neuroscience! I missed teaching yoga so I started teaching my classmates. This coming year, I have a part-time schedule, so I'm teaching two classes a week to any students of Samuel Merritt College, the faculty and staff with the support of Student Activities.
I have learned more about myself this year than anything else. I have, of course, also learned a lot of interesting things in the field of Physical Therapy.
I ran the gauntlet and came out the other side, wiser. I am much, much stronger from the trials this year bestowed upon me. Thank you so much Caspian, mom, dad and all of you who supported me this year, rooted me on, gave me a shoulder to cry on. I couldn't have done it without you, especially you, Caspian, my biggest fan.
So please call me, write me an email or come visit! I have time and sanity for one year before I start the race to the finish. Please forgive me for being an absent friend, daughter, sister, niece, granddaughter. I miss you and love you very much.
Michelle, SPT
Student Physical Therapist