Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Jeff and Inga Get Married

Originally uploaded by Polish Carpetlayer.

We went to Jeff and Inga's wedding and had a fantastic time. I could tell you all about it but you were probably there. The one thing I will say is that it made me want to get married to Michelle again.



Originally uploaded by Polish Carpetlayer.

That's me with my wife. SHE'S AWESOME. She's going to be done with her doctorate classes in like two weeks. DID I SAY SHE WAS AWESOME? Because she is. In two weeks I'm going to be married to Dr. Awesome or something similar. Now that's awesome!

Grizzly Century

Originally uploaded by Polish Carpetlayer.

If you missed it, this bike ride was ridiculously hard. Seriously! Hard! Like one stretch last over two hours of climbing. And at the top my legs started to cramp! And I was brutally exhausted and said things like:

"Let's just get this shit over with."

Oh yeah, and it was awesome and we had sushi for lunch in the middle of the ride. I'm in for next year.

Before the Big Climb
Sushi at the SAG stop!

Full Circle

Originally uploaded by Polish Carpetlayer.

There is beauty in the strangest of places.


Because if you don't see it, you're not looking at the whole picture. That's how I view the world. When I lost my job almost 3 years ago at Ogilvy I wasn't alone. It was a firing squad and every few minutes a new person was let go. Once it was over, a message would be written by the recently fired employee and sent out to the entire company like a going away sentiment. In that moment it was easy to be vindictive. I should know because I was the last one to be downsized. I watched and listened for hours before my name was called. In that time I saw many messages float through the email system. Among the most memorable was:

"Never has a company done so little for so many."

I agree and I think it was a fantastic last sentiment, though I chose not to leave on those terms. My message simply said:

"There will be beautiful things."

I tell this story not because I was right and others were wrong. I tell it because that is how I choose to view the world, even when it is hard to see. Since we left Portland we've gone through ups, downs, and everything in between, but there have always been beautiful things to focus on. You never know where the world will take you. This time it's decided to take us full circle, back to the place we've always called home.

Now that's a beautiful thing.