(BBQ in front of David's)
(Boats waiting for the show)
(Crowd gathered on David's roof)
(Shows over)
Christen and Ryan decided to show up for the holiday weekend. It was great to have our first NW visitors. For the 4th, we BBQ's at David's and ended up on the roof watching fireworks explode over the river with Manhattan in all it's glory as the background. An immense amount of people went on the roof with us. They had a bouncer checking the roof door and only let friends of the buildings tenants up to the top. On the left we could see the Empire State building and just to the left of the fireworks we could see the Chrysler building. Boats lined the shore and people yelled and clapped and shouted for the best fireworks. After the show, the streets were filled with people walking to there homes and cars and places of rest. It was a beautiful night, in the low 70's, filled with new backdrops, interesting people and the fireworks that fill the skies of every small and big town from here to Estacada Oregon. We took pictures. Enjoy.
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