Thursday, April 28, 2005


Man I'm so glad I'm in a blue state. I mean super blue. Bush never had a chance here. So you'd think that New Yorkers would be really progressive when it comes to the environment. I'm talking about recycling. Not throwing everything into the landfill. Not filling the earth up with trash. Reuse. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

There's one recycling trash can on my floor... a floor with maybe 50, 60 people on it. I called facilities to see if I could get a recycling box for my desk. They didn't know what the hell I was talking about. Come on New Yorkers. Don't just vote green... fucking live green!

It's the West Coast in me, living in this big 'ol East Coast city. It's a great city... but it needs some more West Coast in it. Re-fucking-cycle people... and don't forget to continue to vote green. The end for tonight.

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