The subway is amazing. It's dirty and ugly and beautiful. It whisk you from place to place like a mole under the city. You walk into one of the tunnels, squeeze into a train, sometimes so close to people that you feel as though you're groping them or they're groping you, and off you go. Once you arrive at your destination, you walk out of the subway and into the city. I always find myself a little directionally disoriented coming up out of these transportation caves. I don't know how batman did it.
In most subway stations you'll hear music. I've heard people sing reggae, play plastic buckets, play the Godfather song on the violin, play guitar, break out the accordion, play with full bands, sing group acapella songs and play on instruments that I've never even seen before. Most of the time the music is really good, but not everyone can hear it. The subway is full, I mean really full, of people with headphones on. I think New York may have single handedly been responsible for the success of IPods. I've never seen so many in my life.
The subway is one of the many life lines in this city. The arteries, wooshing people in and out of the city. I'm one of those people now. It's an interesting ride. Hope all is well. I'll write more soon.
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