Thursday, January 31, 2008

White Coat Ceremony

1-21-2008 060
Originally uploaded by Polish Carpetlayer

I have three exams tomorrow - what else am I going to do than BLOG!!!

While Cas was in Utah living it up I wanted you to know that I was home, at school, buried up to my ears in stuff to learn - who knew there was so much to know?

Made it through two milestones - First Semester and White Coat Ceremony. I'm now in the clinic once a week as a Student Physical Therapist - in addition to five days a week in class 8-5. Rockin'.

But Cas is a sport and I'm marching along.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Utah - Day 2

Utah Ski Day 1 and 2 057
Originally uploaded by Polish Carpetlayer.

On the second day we went to The Canyons, one of the Park City resorts. It’s huge, with over 3700 ski-able acres and 8 mountain peaks. The weather wasn’t drop powder of the sky, but we still had a good time. Gabe was sick so he missed out, but today I think we’ll go to The Canyons again. We were going to go to Snowbird but a forecast of 50mph wind gust changed our minds. The great thing thought is that it’s dumping snow on the mountain. Freshies all day long… I hope.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Utah - Day One

Originally uploaded by Polish Carpetlayer.

I turned 33 and jumped on a plane to Utah. Time for some snow sports. First stop, Solitude. Check out the shots.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Big Waves, Big Crowds

So many people
Originally uploaded by Polish Carpetlayer.

The big waves at Mavericks (some of the biggest in the world) brought out a large crowd of people, including Michelle and I. Realistically, we could hardly see the surfers because the waves break about a quarter-mile offshore. But the organizers of the event had put up a large video screen on the beach that we could watch. It captured the surfers as they beautifully coexisted with these earthly beasts; surfer after surfer catching 30 to 40 foot waves and riding them as long as possible. Sometimes not riding them at all, but instantly getting bucked off in a cavalcade of human flesh, plastic surfboard, and thundering water. The temperature was in the mid-60’s and the early January blue skies reminded us of why so many people move to the San Francisco area. We banked the experience in our memories and enjoyed actually getting a chance to hang out together. Maybe we’ll learn to surf someday. But not these behemoth waves. At least not me. You never know about Michelle.

See the rest of the pictures here.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Snowy 2008

New Years 2007-2008 267
Originally uploaded by Polish Carpetlayer.

This blog entry is a little late, but well worth it. We rang the 2008 new year in with a bunch of friends and a ton of central Oregon (dry) snow. Damn, it was fun. It's great to be on the west coast again (So this is what skiing and snowboarding is like). I think we could get used to this. Again.

Click here and view the whole set on Flickr, or just watch it in the slide show below.

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.