Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Big Waves, Big Crowds

So many people
Originally uploaded by Polish Carpetlayer.

The big waves at Mavericks (some of the biggest in the world) brought out a large crowd of people, including Michelle and I. Realistically, we could hardly see the surfers because the waves break about a quarter-mile offshore. But the organizers of the event had put up a large video screen on the beach that we could watch. It captured the surfers as they beautifully coexisted with these earthly beasts; surfer after surfer catching 30 to 40 foot waves and riding them as long as possible. Sometimes not riding them at all, but instantly getting bucked off in a cavalcade of human flesh, plastic surfboard, and thundering water. The temperature was in the mid-60’s and the early January blue skies reminded us of why so many people move to the San Francisco area. We banked the experience in our memories and enjoyed actually getting a chance to hang out together. Maybe we’ll learn to surf someday. But not these behemoth waves. At least not me. You never know about Michelle.

See the rest of the pictures here.

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