Sunday, March 12, 2006

No More Weddings this Year... Please

I'm excited for my friends. Happy that love is the air. Thumbs-up. Smiles all around. Hey, join the club. Marriage is a wonderful institution. But, I have one request and I realize it's a selfish request. Please get engaged, tell the world, enjoy the betrothed bliss, but set the date for 2007 or 2008 or.... because I only have so much vacation. I want to make it to everyone’s wedding, but I just don't have enough time-off. And Ryan and Christen just took the last spot in 2006. Congrats to them.

We're looking forward to the big date. You can read all about it on their website. It's gonna be great and one week later Elijah and Camille are going to tie the knot. So that's all I got. I don't think I can do anymore weddings this year. But, if you must get married this year too, Michelle and I will try to squeeze it into our schedule. Just remember, we only have so much time and it's almost all accounted for.

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