Friday, April 13, 2007

Movie Rain

Movie Rain
Originally uploaded by Polish Carpetlayer.

It doesn’t rain in New York, it waterfalls and people here don’t seem to understand that it’s not normal.

At Work:
“Caspian, you must like this rain. You feel like your at home, don’t you.”

“No, it doesn’t rain sideways in Oregon. This isn’t rain it’s soak.”

Its like god has a big fire hose and once in a while he breaks it out to blast unsuspecting New Yorkers as they go about their day. You are now wet. And pity the umbrella because it is going to die. One big gust and umbrella bones break, completely. Goodbye umbrella. It was nice knowing you. It doesn’t rain in New York. Ask Sadna and Colby the next time you see them. They now know what I’m talking about.

1 comment:

s said...

You are funny. I have unpacked twelve unbrellas since we got here. They seem a bit dejected, as though they know they're not going to get out to play very often.